To promote cognitive improvement sneaker brands, PF-FLYERS.
To diffuse widely 24 hours event with actor Gouta Watabe using SNS.


When many people saw a celebrities, most of people taking pictures of them.
We focused on that action.
You can freely taken picture Of Gouta Watabe using your camera and also you can shoot the picture via USTREAM.
Those pictures were expressed the excitement that goes beyond the boundaries of the real and Web.
We had developed the world's first that system.


he total viewers was 52,111 at U-STREAM.
The total tweets was about 5,229.
We could contribute to the improvement of brand recognition by involving an indefinite number of people.

  1. The live program was broadcasted for 24 hours at U-STREAM.
  2. When you press the button at the below the screen, you can capture the image of that moment.
    The captured images can be stored up to 6.
  3. The captured images is posted via a twitter or facebook.
    We lined up the web captured images and taken images on the website along with timeline.
    As you can see the the images, it is obvious from their excitements.
    The web captured images and taken images on the website.